Frequently asked questions:
Q: NL12 supply working voltage is 12V or 24V ?
A: Both. Via the build-in switching power supply, NL12 adapt automatically to any voltage from 9V to 32V DC. Voltage selected automatically via the Learn button
Q: Can support the old incandescent lamps ?
A: Yes, however not support lamps greater than 10W (5W @12V).
Q: Why a navigation signaling lights panel need to be digital ?
A: Contrary to incandescent lamps which give a clear defect sign, LED lamps consist rows of small LEDs. When a led disrupted, a whole row get out of order. However the remaining rows work normaly. So LED lamp get darker, but a conventional electric circuit can not sniff it. Except that, LED lamps have great fluctuation of current, when voltage change. The microcontroller of NL12 unit, calculate voltage current power and resistance, to find if a LED lamp is defected.
Q: What is the Learn button ?
A: Is a button located at the back of the unit. If pressed during power up, NL12 unit read installation parameters, and setup unit automatically. All data stored permanently, and preserved for ever, even without power.
Working voltage and lamp's specifications, defined by this procedure.
This procedure can be repeated multiply times if needed (e.g. replace all lamps by ones of different rating),
Q: Can I install different lamps, or two lamps in one channel ?
A: No way. Different lamps, even if they have the same rating, might behave differently if the voltage change. With other words may have different current curve. This might confuse monitoring, giving a false alarm. If the difference is great, "Learn" procedure will fail, and alarm will inform installer.
Q: What is lamp deviation alarm ?
A: As we mention before LED lamps fluctuate greatly under different voltage levels. The NL12 unit, compare all active lights between them, and if a great difference of consumption occur, a visual and a sort audible alarm notify the user.
Q: What kind of power supply is adequate for NL12 ?
A:DC 12V or 24V. Acceptable sources are battery or a switching power supply unit.
AC, or rectified AC to DC, are inadequate.
Q: How many power sources can connected on NL12 unit ?
A: Two. The power switch of NL12 is also a changeover switch. Have three positions: No1, Off, and No2. Usually for safety reasons, at No1 terminals connected the main power supply, through the adequate power supply. At No2 position, usually connected the emergency battery bank, or the emergency generator through a power supply unit.
Q: Does this panel have a special certificate ?
A: No, it doesn't. However NL12 overpass the technical demands of the regulations.
NL12 have bipolar fuses for each channel, as well for main power.
Power sources have individual fuses.
All switches are bipolar, and in off position isolate completely each channel.
The NL12 provide visual and audible alarm when a lamp or other problem occur. Monitoring overpass the demands of regulations.
Q: Where are located the fuses ?
A: At the face of the panel, for quick and easy access. Under the switches, there is the fuse compartment. Compartment is covered with a cap mounted by 2 screws. Remove screws and cap, to have access to the fuse compartment. Inside, there are 14 fuses. 10 for the lamps and 4 for the power supply.
The back side of the cap provide information for the fuses ratings, and the assignment of each pair.
Q: How easy is the operation of NL12 ?
A: The operation of NL12 Is smart and easy.
Front side have 6 switches. The first 5 control each light individually. The sixth is the power switch and power selector.
When a lamp is defected, the corresponding LEDs start blinking, and the buzzer sounds. When the corresponding switch turned off, buzzer stops, however corresponding LED keep blinking to remind the crew about the problem, until the vessel reach its destination.
Indicators at the face of the panel, provide detailed information for the nature of problem, if occur.
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